Be an alien amongst humans…
Everyone is reaching for it
Reaching for fame in a fleeting stance
Reaching for recognition for superficiality
Everyone is seeking it
Some constant of beauty that will never exist
Some face of celebrity that kills slowly
It’s cool to push against that
Against the vibe that makes us selfish
Against the wave of “look at me”
It’s okay to be weird
Chill in a way that draws people near
Chill in a way that makes people comfy
It’s okay to be an alien amongst humans
Go somewhere, dance in the clouds
Put your devices away
Give your heart a chance to feel the flowers
It’s okay to be different
Draw people into your space with the mystery of your smile
Take mental notes of the beautiful things that surround you
And let the photos rest.
Give yourself a break from the limelight
The fame is damaging...fleeting...vain.
Be the unknown
Be Otherworldly.