
Kroun Logo

The word 'crown' [noun] may be defined by Merriam-Webster's dictionary in 2 ways: "imperial or regal power" or "a reward of victory or mark of honor". The word also has one simple phonetic spelling: 'Kroun'. This platform [KROUN] was birthed in 2015 as a way to combine the 2 definitions and link excellence, the arts, and public health as they pertain to Black culture. As the platform continues to grow, KROUN remains committed to uplifting the entire spectrum of Blackness and, whenever necessary, reminding the world of Black excellence.

The site, thekroun.com, showcases all things Black Excellence, Poetry written by the Editor, Art highlights, and information on the continuous fight for social, economic, political, and health justice. This space is meant for ALL Black men and women. Hopefully, you'll feel right at home. For everyone else, we hope you learn something while you're here.

Thank you,
Founder and Editor, Kristen Marie