In Plain Sight: Letter from a Concerned Friend

More often than not I have allowed trivial things to cloud my vision of what is important. 

I have expected things to come my way when my vision has been off course. 

Instead of fixing my gaze upon The Most High and His Son, 

I have raised my head to the Sun in hopes that it would bring me warmth. 

Forgetting that The One who holds my hand and who hung the sun

Is greater and will bring me greater than anything I could ever dream or imagine. 

Been caught up in worldly pleasures, men who haven’t cared much, friends who weren’t there much. 

Losing on the end of pursuing my goals and dreams, b/c I lacked the focus to achieve. 

Too many times I didn’t win because my vision was clouded by that which is not within. 

Too many times I was set back and humbled by The Most High because I had not been following Him and seeking Him. 

Instead, I was seeking love, affection, attention, and growth from humans.

Humans who would buck this false sense of savior-ism I had created for them. 

Humans that very well SHOULD have bucked that system. 

Too many times I had my eyes fixed on the idiot box instead of in a dope piece of literature. 

Or something that would help me further and hone in on my talents. 

I’ve often slighted my gifts, excusing my laziness with fright and humility. 

I really cannot do these things any longer. 

I am bursting at the seams to realize a dream that may be deemed as too late. 

I can almost feel everything that I’ve worked for slipping away because I am chasing everyone except the only one that can do something about my current state. 

The jig is up. 

I’d love to be in love and happy in a relationship

But I won’t chase someone who is insistent on dodging me. 

I’d like to have friends that seek my presence

But I won’t depend on them to keep my spirit wild and free. 

I’d love to have just any old job that allows me some form of income, 

But I won’t settle for anything less than what I deserve and what I can grow from. 

I’d like to have all of my entrepreneurial and artistic dreams realized

But I won’t sell my soul into unfathomable unhappiness in order to seize it. 

Here I am today. 

Ready and willing to proclaim, 

That I will fix my gaze on the focused path that has been laid out for me. 

I will rise up and grab all of what is within my reach that I have been missing and could not see before because I let other things cloud my vision. 

I will rise and take hold of all that which is in plain sight. 



Kristen MarieComment