Making Period Talk Less Awkward & More Informative

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We know that menstruation is still very much a taboo topic in almost every culture and society around the world.  As a result of the unnecessary stigma and shame placed on girls who have periods, both young girls and adult women are often given false information, teachers in health education classes often completely skip lectures that address menstruation (thus perpetuating the cycle of misinformation) and girls encounter more vaginal infections due to lack of education.  Aditi Gupta, like many of us, grew up in a culture much like the one described.  Gupta envisioned a world where young girls would be empowered to talk about menstruation, thus diminishing monthly infections, misinformation, shame, etc.  After coming across this TED Talk and researching Aditi Gupta's informational and friendly guide to healthy periods, I too think we can come to a place in society where we truly embrace women and all that comes with being a woman; including our menstrual cycles.  Empowering women is truly the key to a brighter and healthier world.  


It's true: talking about menstruation makes many people uncomfortable. And that taboo has consequences: in India, three out of every 10 girls don't even know what menstruation is at the time of their first period, and restrictive customs related to periods inflict psychological damage on young girls.